Leutner attorney says family disappointed Weier didn't serve more time

NOW: Leutner attorney says family disappointed Weier didn’t serve more time

WAUKESHA, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Nearly four years after being sent to a mental health facility for her role in stabbing a classmate to please a fictional character known as Slender Man, Anissa Weier is coming home.

A judge approved releasing Weier with pages of restrictions to be met Friday, Sept. 10.

The attorney representing Payton Leutner, who was stabbed 19 times, said the family wanted Weier to serve more time.

"Just a few years ago, a 12-year-old went into the woods and was brutally stabbed 19 times, by two of her classmates," said Leutner family attorney Steve Lyons.

He said that can't be forgotten, but he said Payton Leutner is moving on with life. She's attending college and bought her first used car.

"She's excelled through all of this, recent high honor roll at her college, she works at a Wisconsin company when she's not going to school full-time," said Lyons.

He said while the family wanted Weier to serve more time for the stabbings, they are comfortable with the number of restrictions she'll be living under.

"Intense monitoring is in place and she's restricted to Waukesha County, and Payton doesn't live in Waukesha County anymore," said Lyons.

Weier will live with her father. Her internet access will be monitored. She can't leave Waukesha County without permission and she'll continue taking prescriptions and getting mental health treatment.

"I know that nothing I say is going to make this right, your honor," said Anissa Weier to the court four years ago.

Now she hopes to be a productive member of society by being back in it again. Lyons said it just seems too soon.

"We thought this day would come, and we're disappointed the sentence wasn't served longer," said Lyons.

Morgan Geyser is still serving her 40-year commitment for taking part in the Slender Man stabbings.

She can ask the court to be released but has not done so.
