Little Free Library using boxes to provide community with essential supplies

NOW: Little Free Library using boxes to provide community with essential supplies

PEWAUKEE, Wis. (CBS 58) – An organization that helps provide people with books is now helping get essential supplies to those in need.

Across the world, people who participate in ‘Little Free Library’ are stocking their library boxes with things like food, toilet paper and other household items.

“I think there’s a lot of things we could focus on that are negative right now and to get down,” Pewaukee resident Heather Nelson said. “So this is a way to really focus on the positive and try to do something to help each other.”

Nelson put up her Free Little Library a few years ago. Since then, she said it's been a place where people in the community exchange books and even plants. Recently, a few new items made their way inside.

“We started thinking about what we could do to help the community when everything happened with COVID,” she said. “So I thought this would be a natural thing to change it up and start putting things in there that maybe neighbors would need.”

The items are now available for anyone to take. Free Little Library created a new map online to show where essential item boxes are located across the world.

“It’s really beneficial to the community so they know that it’s out there and those who really need it can find those locations that really have supplies that they might need.”

Nelson said she doesn’t monitor her box, but she knows people in the community aren’t only taking from the box, but also adding to it.
