Local radio interview: President Biden says he 'screwed up' during debate

CBS 58

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- It's now been over a week since the first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle, and President Joe Biden is still trying to convince voters and members of his own party that he's up for another four years in office. 

On Wednesday, July 3, President Biden called into the WAUK AM's The Earl Ingram Show for about 17 minutes. 

The interview aired Thursday, July 4, and here's how Biden addressed his debate performance: 

"I had a bad night. I had a bad night. Fact of the matter is I screwed up. I made a mistake. I learned from my father when you get knocked down you get back up. You get back up. We're going to win this election," Biden said. 

In the Milwaukee interview, Biden spent more of his time outlining the accomplishments of his first term and attacking former President Donald Trump. 

However, when the topic of the debate came up, Biden gave no indication that he's ready to withdraw. He'll have a chance to make that same pitch to more Wisconsin voters when he visits Madison on Friday. 

Listen to Biden's full interview on The Earl Ingram Show via Civic Media below: 

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