Pat Connaughton helps tip off Mukwonago for Wishes fundraiser

NOW: Pat Connaughton helps tip off Mukwonago for Wishes fundraiser

MUKWONAGO, Wis. (CBS 58) -- The annual Mukwonago for Wishes fundraiser is underway with a spark from Bucks wing Pat Connaughton.

That officially tips off the 13th edition of the free throw-a thon. They’re aiming to raise $150,000 that will help grant 30 wishes.

“Just strength, hope and community. At the end of the day these events are supposed to be fun, but they’re also supposed to be able to take something from it and learn from it. Make-A-Wish has done a great job including kids and making, granting wishes within the game of basketball. Specifically with the Milwaukee Bucks. Finding ways to use sport as a vehicle to empower the next generation," said Connaughton.

“Pat's helping build the excitement, it’s so much fun. What better than to have a Milwaukee Bucks player help with the free throw-a-thon. The feeling is electric tonight, there are so many kids and coaches and families out here," said Patti Gorsky, president and CEO of Make-A-Wish Wisconsin.

The event is in honor of Kaden Stark, a Mukwonago boy who dreamed of granting 100 wishes before he passed away in 2019.

“What we want to do is continue to grow his legacy and I think that nothing can make you more proud as a parent than to have your son remembered and being the inspiration for an entire community to come together," said Steve Stark.

The fundraiser started today, and they’ve already raised nearly $40,000. You can donate here.
