Community groups rally for safer driving on Milwaukee's north side

NOW: Community groups rally for safer driving on Milwaukee’s north side

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Community groups across Milwaukee are trying different ways to combat the city's reckless driving problem.

Near Sherman Park, several neighborhood groups rallied for safer streets Thursday, June 24.

The city is trying three approaches to combat reckless driving.

Street redesign, policing and education campaigns.

"People pass on the right, people speed, there isn't a resident on our street that has not seen a major crash on this street," said Grasslyn Manor Block Association Leader Steve O'Connell.

His association was awarded three mini-grants. They will pay for yard signs, five billboards around the area and Thursday night's rally to get the message out.

"Five of the major hotspots in the state are in our neighborhood -- crashes, fatalities, and major injuries," said O'Connell.

Our cameras caught Milwaukee police pulling over two drivers during the rally. One driver had sped around a group of protesters.

"We've had nearly eight people lose their lives in the last week in traffic accidents, if that is not a call for arms of working jointly together, I don't know what is," said 10th Ward Alderman Michael Murphy.

Murphy said these 20 grants cost $100,000. Small change compared to street redesigns, but worth every penny if even one young driver slows down.

"It's (so) tragic when we see 16-year-olds driving at rates of speed that result in their deaths and others, so trying to target that audience through social media and other means. Hopefully, if we save just a few lives, it's worth that investment," said Murphy.

Studies have found these safety campaigns do work at slowing traffic and reducing crashes.
