Shelters, Resources Available for those in Need During Cold

Another round of sub-zero temperatures is here, and Milwaukee County has resources available to help people in need of assistance.

The most critical need in inclement weather is a warm and safe place to sleep. Individuals and families in need of emergency shelter should contact Impact for a referral by calling 211.

The Impact system works year-round through partnerships with Milwaukee County, the City of Milwaukee, and dozens of community organizations to provide services for individuals and families in need. Homelessness is unfortunately an issue in Milwaukee County every day, and the work Impact does, along with the County’s efforts to end chronic homelessness, is making a difference, yet the cold weather and end of the holiday season often create a higher incidence of situational homelessness.

Currently the following shelters are utilizing the 211 Coordinated Entry System: Cathedral Center; Guest House of Milwaukee; Hope House of Milwaukee; Salvation Army Emergency Lodge; and Milwaukee Women’s Center (family placements only). Please note, this means that all referrals for these shelters must come via a 211 referral.

“Milwaukee County is committed to doing everything we can to provide resources for individuals and families who need assistance staying safe and warm not just through the colder months but year-round, and we appreciate the dedication and support of our partner organizations like Impact, the United Way, Guest House, Hope House, and the Salvation Army, just to name a few,” County Executive Chris Abele said. “Unfortunately homelessness is a problem too large for any one group to tackle on its own. But thanks to the generosity of our community organizations and the faith community, more help is available. If you know someone in need of assistance please have them call 211 for a referral.”

The following warming centers and shelters are also available:

  • Single adults and families needing a place to stay tonight can directly go to Greater New Birth Church, 8237 W. Silver Spring Drive, Milwaukee. They must show up between 8:00pm-midnight and are allowed to stay until 6:00am.
  • Repairer’s Of the Breach (1335 N. Vilet St., 934-9305) The warming room will be open from 8:00 pm until 4:00 pm if the outside temperature or wind chill is below 10 degrees.
  • Tippecanoe Church (125 W Saveland Av). Tippecanoe Church is currently in overflow status so please call 211 before referring single men and women to this location.
  • Milwaukee Rescue Mission (1820 W. Wells St., 344-2211) The Milwaukee Rescue Mission is currently in overflow status so please call the location directly before referring single men to this location.
  • Sojourner Truth House (933-2722). The Sojourner Truth House does have domestic shelter violence beds available. Please call this location directly.
  • Milwaukee Women's Center, (414-671-6140 - DV, Non-DV call 211
  • Joy House (830 N. 19th St., 344-2211) Women and children - Please call this location directly.
  • Walker’s Point Youth and Family Shelter (2030 W. National Av., 672-5300). Ages 11-21,This location is dedicated to juveniles in need of shelter.Please call 211 or the shelter directly before referring juveniles to this location.
  • Pathfinders Emergency Youth Shelter (1614 W. Kane Place, 271-1560). Ages 11-17, This location is dedicated to juveniles in need of shelter. Please call 211 or the shelter directly before referring juveniles to this location.
  • Cathedral Center (845 N. Van Buren St). The Cathedral Center is currently at capacity so you must call 211 for a referral.
  • Hope House (229 W. Orchard St). The Hope House is currently at capacity so you must call 211 for a referral.
  • Salvation Army Homeless Program (1730 N. 7th St). The Salvation Army Homeless Program is currently at capacity, so you must call 211 for a referral.
  • Salvation Army Daytime Warming Rooms: 8853 S Howell 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, M-F, phone 762-3993; 4129 W Villard, M-F 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM.
  • Milwaukee County Housing Division Programs (including Safehaven, Permanent Supportive Housing, Housing First), 278-4902 or 278-2894.

In the case that all the shelters/warming houses are full it is suggested that people call one of the following for emergency assistance in getting connected to a safe location:

  • County Emergency Management System at (414) 278-4788
  • City of Milwaukee’s Health Department at (414) 286-6457
  • American Red Cross at (414) 630-4850

Impact can also provide information on day time safe places to stay (such as day time warming rooms, libraries, meal sites, senior centers and community centers). The Milwaukee County Department on Aging (289-6874) can also connect seniors with home-delivered meals and referrals to seniors centers and community centers.

Individuals who have a secure place to stay and need help with their heating bills can apply to Wisconsin’s Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) for assistance for heating costs, electric costs, and energy crisis situations. The application process has been greatly simplified due to a new service delivery model and people can sign up easily.

Visit or call 270-4653 for an appointment.

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