UPS driver accuses Latino package recipient of being unable to read, write or speak English

NOW: UPS driver accuses Latino package recipient of being unable to read, write or speak English

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- “Now you don’t get f****** nothing because you’re a stupid mother******. You can’t read and write and speak the f****** England language.”

Those remarks from a UPS driver were captured on a home security camera from a Latino recipient in the Milwaukee area, who was not home to receive a package.

The mother of the recipient reached out to CBS 58 and Milwaukee Alderwoman JoCasta Zamarripa, after she said she was stonewalled by UPS to respond to the incident.

“It was offensive," Zamarripa said. "I was angry and upset as well when I saw the video.”

The family does speak English, and they say they've never actually communicated with the UPS driver.

The recipient works overnight, and was not home when the package was delivered.

The last name is Aviles. 

“We can only surmise that he made such a racially charged, racist remark because he saw a Spanish surname on the package,” Zamarripa said.

The Latino advocacy group “Forward Latino” says they are immediately demanding a meeting with UPS.

They want the driver out.

“Some other groups have called us wanting to participate as well," Forward Latino President Darryl Morin said. "And at this point, I don’t see anything other than dismissal being acceptable.”

UPS sent CBS 58 the statement: “We offer our deepest apologies to the family. There is no place in any community for racism, bigotry or hate. This is very serious and unfortunate, and we are taking appropriate action.”

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