Waukesha community hears final proposals for permanent parade memorials

NOW: Waukesha community hears final proposals for permanent parade memorials

WAUKESHA, Wis. (CBS 58) -- The Waukesha community heard final proposals for a permanent Waukesha Parade Memorial on Wednesday, Aug. 31.

The Waukesha Parade Memorial Commission narrowed the finalists down to three architecture firms and two local artists at a previous meeting.

Of the eight designs presented, two will become permanent memorials.

"They're breathtaking," Waukesha Xtreme Dance Owner Sandra Feller said. "It's going to make it a very hard decision."

Feller is a member on the commission. She told CBS 58 she is looking for a memorial that brings peace to victims' loved ones, survivors and the community.

"We’ve all been through so much. I think they need somewhere to go that, that is comfortable and homing to them," Feller said.

A larger memorial will be built in Grede Park. Architecture firms, Thrive, Saiki Design and Strang are the finalists.

A smaller memorial will stand on Main Street, along the parade route. Each architecture firm submitted designs. Two local artists, Carmen De La Paz and Richard Taylor, also submitted designs.

"It was emotional for me to hear the presentations. Each of them spoke to me in a certain way," Waukesha Mayor Shawn Reilly said.

Reilly told CBS 58 he didn't want to be part of the commission as an elected official, but hopes the end result will be a reflection of what the community feels is best.

"Something that the community really embraces and helps them get better," Reilly said.

The commission will review the proposals and vote on two designs at a meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 13.
