'We're all sad': Cardinal Stritch University holds final mass of Thanksgiving

’We’re all sad’: Cardinal Stritch University holds final mass of Thanksgiving

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- It's a bittersweet day at Cardinal Stritch University as it held its final mass of Thanksgiving Friday afternoon, June 2.

It's been 86 years of legacy and memories people say will all live on even after the university is gone. Present and past members of the university joined hand in hand to pray for the future of the Cardinal Stritch community. 

"My dad actually graduated here in 2015," said Jacob Carlson, president of student government. 

Jacob Carlson will not finish his business degree at Concordia University. He says he's glad to have followed in his dad's footsteps. 

"Down this very hallway we walked together way back in 2013/2014. I Would look up to him and be like, 'I could be a student here at Stritch,'" said Carlson. 

Faculty and staff say they were like family. 

"We’re all sad that this is all coming to an end, but we certainly have really, really strong positive memories,” said Walt Wochos, business professor. 

Carlson says many are still struggling with an unknown future and hopes the community continues to show support. 

"Being that shoulder to cry on...being that ear for someone to talk to...it may not seem like a big impact for you but for that person that you're with it'll make a world of difference," said Carlson. 

Cardinal Stritch is offering summer classes through August for those who need to finish a few credits. A final closing date has yet to be announced. 

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