Wisconsin voters against Impeachment: MU Law Poll

NOW: Wisconsin voters against Impeachment: MU Law Poll

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Despite a series of televised Congressional hearings over the potential impeachment of President Donald Trump, Wisconsin voter opinion remained the same on the issue, according to the December Marquette Law Poll.

“We’ve had this major set of testimony and investigation on a critically important question," poll director Charles Franklin said. "Something the nation has only done now for a fourth time, and yet, opinion hasn’t moved an iota.”

Forty percent of respondents favored impeaching and removing president Donald Trump from office, versus 52 percent who do not. In the November poll, 40 percent favored impeaching and removing, while 53 percent did not.

But Trump did lose ground on every major democratic candidate for president, and he now trails one behind Joe Biden. After leading Biden 47-44 in the November poll, Biden now leads Trump 47-46. Trump leads Bernie Sanders 47-45, Elizabeth Warren 45-44 and Pete Buttigieg 44-43.

“As the Democratic primary moves ahead, and that party selects it’s nominee, so in January, February, March, April we might see real movement as the party settles on a nominee,” Franklin said.

The party is not settling on a nominee in Wisconsin so far.

Joe Biden is still the "top choice" for president of 23 percent of respondents. Sanders is in second, as the top choice of 19 percent, Warren took 16 percent and Buttigieg took 15 percent. "Don't know" was the fourth highest top choice at 11 percent.

Franklin says part of the reason people are still undecided this late in the year is several primaries were moved from January to February.

“We’re looking at post-Christmas really, that January will be a very heated period.”

Sixty-five percent of those polled say they might change their pick for the Democratic nominee before the primary.

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