How Wisconsin is tied to the Mueller report
There is one mention of Wisconsin in Robert Mueller's 448 page report.
Donald Trump's campaign listed Wisconsin as one of four "battleground states" in an election briefing with Konstantin Kilimnik, who is tied to Russian intelligence.
"What makes us the center of the political universe, even to Russians, is that whether Democrats or Republicans win Wisconsin, it's by this much," UWM professor Mordecai Lee said.
The meeting happened in August of 2016. Russians targeted Wisconsin's election system in July and August that year.
"While there have been some attempts to get into our system, no one has been successful in getting in," Wisconsin Elections Commission spokesperson Reid Magney said.
The state has since increased training, made it more difficult to access the system and encoded the voter database to ensure the voting system is safe from hackers.
"That's something that we and our election security partners have been singularly, and successfully focused on since 2016," Magney said.
The other Wisconsin connection in the report is Reince Priebus, who told trump "don't talk about Russia, whatever you do" before the president met with former FBI director James Comey, according to Priebus's statements in the Mueller report.
"A good old, honest Wisconsinite, sitting in an office right next to the president of the United States," Lee said.
Lee says Preibus increases the reports credibility.
"Because he's a Wisconsinite, and he's not going to lie for anybody. He might be a republican. He wants Republicans to do well, but he's not going to lie for anybody."