Hundreds turn out for public hearing as Lac La Belle, Town of Oconomowoc merger considered

NOW: Hundreds turn out for public hearing as Lac La Belle, Town of Oconomowoc merger considered

OCONOMOWOC, Wis. (CBS 58) -- A controversial merger is under consideration in lake country. 

Hundreds turned out for a public hearing on the proposed agreement to join the village of Lac La Belle and the town of Oconomowoc. 

Leaders told the crowd change isn't easy, but it is inevitable. It is because the village has protection from annexation and zoning by cities, leaders want to transfer land into the village. 

Some residents told CBS 58 that they are okay with that, because they wouldn't ever wanted to be annexed by the city of Oconomowoc. 

Fewer than 300 Lac La Belle residents live in homes surround the beautiful lake. The population would grow considerably under a plan being pushed by village and town leaders, by adding some 9,000 residents from the town of Oconomowoc by Jan. 1, preventing the city of Oconomowoc from annexing the town and preserving farmland. 

"We did move out here because of the country," said Penny Urban from the town of Oconomowoc. "We wanted to be by the farms, and we feel very privileged, and we would like to have it stay that way and have the democratic process where we have input, and the city does not take it away," said Urban. 

For an hour, leaders with the village of Lac La Belle and the town of Oconomowoc laid out their plan to a packed house, saying there is no expected change to sewer or We Energies. Residents wouldn't have to change their address or school district. 

Current village contracts with the town for things like police would be guaranteed, but residents have concerns. They first questioned, why the rush? Why not truly weight the pluses and minuses? 

"You guys are our voices. Why can't we put this to a referendum to ask everyone to vote on this," said Edith Lutz, Lac La Belle resident.

"It seems rather rushed okay, so I expect competency, transparency and engagement and I feel I've been managed and sold to as opposed to engaged and I don't like that," said another resident. 

But leaders say the idea to merge the two is nothing new. 

"We're not trying to hide anything. We want as open a process as possible," said Tim Clark, Lac La Belle Village President. 

The presentation tonight was recorded and will be made available. One more note of interest, taxes would go up slightly for town of Oconomowoc residents, and down slightly for the village of Lac La Belle residents.

Voting on the deal is expected to take place next week. 
