'Leave us alone:' Protesters react to idea of federal agents in Milwaukee, city commission deciding its role

’Leave us alone: ’ Protesters react to idea of federal agents in Milwaukee, city commission deciding its role

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- “Leave us alone.”

Direct words from Milwaukee resident Lamonica Langston to federal agents.

She’s been marching for racial justice with the local group, The Peoples Revolution.

“We are marching in peace and we are looking for change. Change the laws so that way we can have justice and peace," Langston said.

Others in the group feel the peace will end if the federal government intervenes.

They feel their rights will be taken, and their voices – silenced.

“So what reason would you have to send a federal force out against a group that’s peacefully expressing their rights, except for the potential possibility of trying to silence those voices?” Curt Bennett, owner of Advanced Private Police, LLC, said. 

Bennett said he helps provide protection for the group.

The mention by the Trump administration has some leaders in the city asking – what can they do?

“We have a responsibility when we’re talking about civil rights and human rights on how do we advocate for the community and against such threats," Milwaukee Equal Rights Commission Chair Chez Ordonez said.

The Commission does not oversee city operations, but its chair said members do have a role in the conversation.

“Whether that’s for the community, whether that’s for the front line or in the rotunda at city hall or at the state level with policy," he continued.

At this point, there has been no directive from the Trump administration for federal intervention in Milwaukee.

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