Milwaukee cashing in as baseball fans from around the world come to see superstar Shohei Ohtani

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- This weekend, one of the biggest superstars in all of baseball is right here in Milwaukee. And fans from around the country and even Japan are here to follow his every move.

Shohei Ohtani and the Los Angeles Angels kick off a three-game weekend set against the Brewers, and many fans told us they're staying here to go to all three games.

Ohtani has earned comparisons to Babe Ruth as one of the very best pitchers in the game, and one of the greatest hitters.

He's also a cultural icon in Japan. Fans we spoke with called him a god.

He attracts thousands of fans wherever he goes, and the City of Milwaukee is cashing in on the mania.

Yoshi Nori Tanaka drove down from Minneapolis. He said, "He's a superstar in the United States. Also in Japan, too."

Tanaka was excited to be in Milwaukee, despite the five-hour drive, because a chance to see Ohtani in person was worth it.

Tanaka said, "Fortunately now, we have a chance to see him directly from the stadium. So, we came here from Minneapolis."

Tanaka and his wife are going to all three weekend games, staying in a Milwaukee hotel, and spending tourist dollars in Milwaukee.

And they aren't the only ones.

Yohei Shimada lives in Japan and is visiting friends he made in 1991 when he was a foreign exchange student.

He said Ohtani is revered in his home country. He told us, "Of course, he's a hero. He gives us hope and courage. His mind, determination, his commitment, his passion. I think he's a good role model."

Don LaDoue lives in New York, but his favorite team is the Angels. So, when he visited family in Wisconsin, he couldn't pass up the chance to see them.

LaDoue said, "I really like Shohei Ohtani. I think he's really good for the game, and good for the growth of baseball, in general."

Red Angels gear was prominently scattered throughout the stands Friday, a clear sign Ohtani has won over even people who grew up in Brewers Country.

Ian Vang said, "It shows how great of an influence he has, not just in Anaheim, but here, even in Milwaukee."

Ohtani will not pitch against the Brewers since he pitched Thursday, but he will be the designated hitter.

Despite some hometown allegiances, a lot of people said they wanted to see Ohtani hit a home run against the Brewers.

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