MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Nearly every time a Milwaukee police officer made the decision to chase down a fleeing vehicle last year, it was justified. That's according to a 2023 audit on vehicle pursuits released to the Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission Thursday night.
In 2023, Milwaukee police pursuits totaled 1,081, at speeds sometimes over 100 mph.
"Some, even three, at over 125 mph so they're getting pretty dangerous," said Barbara Cooley, research and policy analyst.
Cooley outlined the 2023 Vehicle Pursuit Report with data showing police pursuits are up in Districts 2, 3 and 7, but down in Districts 1, 4, 5 and 6. Milwaukee had a total of 1,081 police pursuits last year. Analysts looked at 81 of those in detail.
"Uses a computer algorithm to select random sample of pursuits," said Leon Todd, Executive Director, Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission.
Todd says while dangerous, police pursuits are necessary, and that's why it's also necessary to evaluate the department on whether policies are being followed.
"Overall, the audits showed that there's very high compliance rate by the department," said Todd.
64 of the 81 pursuits were for reckless driving, something that MPD began including as a reason for pursuit roughly eight years ago. When it did, pursuits skyrocketed from 369 in 2017 to 940 in 2018.
"I think this was a new type of audit for the FPC to go beyond the typical annual pursuit report that looks at the data and trends," said Todd.
Of the 81 pursuits evaluated, only one was deemed not justified.
"Supervisor observed guns and drugs in a car, didn't fall in the line of the SOP, but should be noted that that particular pursuit was actually canceled and MPD addressed that immediately," said Sean Raclow, FPC Audit Manager.
Almost 15% of pursuits resulted in an accident. MPD terminated 58% of audited vehicle pursuits.
The data also looked at time of day and time of year finding most pursuits in 2023 were initiated in the early morning, evening and late night, and in the months of January, March, August and November.
The audit also recommended starting a new Vehicle Pursuit Committee, similar to the Use of Force Committee for more frequent evaluation.