Social justice groups push for change in Milwaukee during virtual conversation

NOW: Social justice groups push for change in Milwaukee during virtual conversation

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Members of the Milwaukee Common Council are pushing for social justice in the wake of the movement surrounding Black Lives Matter happening across the country. 

Representatives from more than a dozen social justice organizations came together virtually Monday, Oct. 19 to have a conversation about their ideas and possible solutions. 

The communication was filed by Milwaukee Alderwoman Milele Coggs and the goal is to hear the demands for legislative and other changes involved with social justice. 

Some of the groups that spoke were Black Leaders Organizing Communities (BLOC), the NAACP, and the Community Task Force for MKE. 

Alderwoman Coggs said the groups have been working for a long time for social justice and the members of the common council want to hear more about their ideas. 

“We’ve seen over the last couple months. I don’t mean the city of Milwaukee, but across the nation and then as it related to social justice like the murder of George Floyd and the subsequent issues that have happened. I think the voices of those fighting for some changes systemically has are risen. I know that many of the groups here today even before George Floyd have been fighting for some level of change and I know that many of my 14 colleagues and I have been willing to listen," Coggs said.

Local activists say they have been working to create change. 

“We’ve been having lots of organizing with what we can inspire young people to do, being civically engaged, civically educated and also organizing in their communities,” Bria Smith of Community Task Force MKE said.

It's important to note that Monday's conversation was about a communication filed and there wasn't any legislation attached to it, and nothing was voted on at the meeting. 

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