'We have pretty much no say so over anything we do:' Racine Common Council members plan to boycott meetings

NOW: ’We have pretty much no say so over anything we do:’ Racine Common Council members plan to boycott meetings

RACINE, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Six of the 15 members of Racine's Common Council say they won't attend their regularly scheduled Tuesday meeting over governance concerns. 

Alderwoman Melissa Kaprelian and Alderman Jeff Coe are part of the boycott and say that multiple attempts to bring important matters before the council have been blocked or delayed by the mayor, hindering their ability to address pressing community needs. They are also concerned in reduced transparency in government operations and the handling of communications and committee reports. 

“I want to do what I’m sworn to do, and this isn’t it," Kaprelian said. “I feel like I am letting down the people who have elected me.”

“We have pretty much no say so over anything we do," Coe said. “We can’t do the work for our constituents because of this.”

Among the Common Council demands are:

1. A thorough review and revision of recent ordinance changes that have altered the balance of power between the executive and legislative branches of city government.
2. Reinstatement of the council's rightful authority to set its own agenda and bring matters of public concern before the body for discussion and vote.

The boycotting members of the council said they won't return to meetings until their demands are met. The boycotting members include Alderman Coe, Alderwoman Kaprelian, Alder Olivia Turquoise Davis (District 3), Alderman Sandy Weidner (District 6), Alder Henry Perez (District 12), and Alder Renee Kelly (District 13).

The Racine Common Council board consists of 15 members, but one seat is currently unfilled, according to Kaprelian.

Mayor Corey Mason spoke with CBS 58 about the boycott on Monday. He said he wants to deescalate the situation and wants the boycotting members of the council to show up to the meeting so they can address important business.

“The way to achieve the process isn’t by grinding city government to a halt," Mason said.  

The mayor said if two-thirds of the council does not show up to Tuesday's scheduled meeting, they will be unable to meet the necessary quorum. 

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