Late Evening Update: Rain is changing over to snow

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Today's Weather

Today: Snow ending early then becoming mostly sunny. Very windy and chilly. Highs in the upper 30s. Wind: NW 20-40 mph.

Tonight: Mostly clear. Lows around 30. Break from the wind: SW 5-15 mph.

Friday: Partly cloudy. Isolated mix possible in the afternoon and evening. Windy and briefly mild. Highs in the 50s. Wind: SW 20-35 mph.

Extended: Mostly sunny, chilly with a light wind for Saturday in the upper 30s. Staying cooler in the upper 30s and low 40s through the middle of next week. Chance for mix switching to rain switching to snow Sunday and some lingering snow Monday.

Weather Now

32° High: 39° | Low: 31°
SE Wisconsin Radar

7-Day Forecast

Day Description High/Low
Today Mar. 20
Mostly Sunny High: 39° | Low: 31°
Fri Mar. 21
Afternoon Mix High: 55° | Low: 32°
Sat Mar. 22
Mostly Sunny High: 38° | Low: 29°
Sun Mar. 23
Rain and Snow High: 43° | Low: 33°
Mon Mar. 24
Chance Snow High: 39° | Low: 28°
Tue Mar. 25
Partly Cloudy High: 40° | Low: 29°
Wed Mar. 26
Mostly Cloudy High: 42° | Low: 33°
Thu Mar. 27
Partly Cloudy High: 47° | Low: 33°